"On October 25, 26, and 27 2013, Pinnacles National Park hosted a celebration for local (and not-so-local) climbers, during which over 60 climbers traded some volunteer time for free camping, good food, a great raffle, and wonderful company. BAMRU members Chris Kantarjiev and Eszter Tompos provided trailside first aid support and lifted some heavy stuff as well.
Conceived and organized by (BAMRU Alumni) Larry Arthur and Jane Goldcamp of Mountain Tools, this event generated more than 150 person-days of volunteer trail work, erecting fences and mitigating erosion in the vicinity of Discovery Wall, Teaching Rock, and Tourist Trap. That's about half a year of the NPS trail boss's time!
The weather was perfect and the sponsors gave generously to the raffle. We hope that this is the first of many such events."

-Chris Kantarjiev, BAMRU Technical Member