Sunday, April 25, 2010

Accident and Donation

During a training this week, BAMRU gave assistance to a biker who had crashed nearby.

The biker wrote to say thanks:
I had a bike wipeout on Kings Mountain Road this afternoon, and was fortunate that a BAMRU training exercise was taking place right at that spot. The team took charge of the situation and took great care of me! Thanks, and keep up the good work!

The biker also made a contribution to BAMRU using our PayPal donation link! Thanks!!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Philips AED Donation

Philips Medical Systems has generously donated a Philips HeartStart FR2+ automated external defibrillator (AED) ( to BAMRU via their HeartStart Giving Program.

By doing so, Philips Medical Systems has proven its commitment to saving lives. "Early defibrillation and quality CPR have been proven to save lives. The FR2+ AED, with its clean, uncluttered design is optimized for fast, efficient operation and rapid delivery of life-saving therapy. Commands are clear, streamlined, confident, and concise: ideal for responders who are trained, drilled, and ready to save a life now." BAMRU is grateful to Philips Medical Systems for their generous donation and their commitment to saving lives.